To Our Patients:
The team at Gordon Plastic Surgery are beginning to resume seeing more patients in the office. The safety of our patients, staff and community remain our top priority while still being able to provide our patients with the exceptional care they deserve.
What to expect during your visit:
- All patients will continued to be screened prior to entering the office.
- Everyone entering the office will be REQUIRED to wear a mask at all times while in the building.
- Social distancing will be maintained by limited waiting room seating, spacing appointments in a manner that minimizes the number of patients in the waiting room and floor markings indicating the safe distance of 6 feet apart.
- Due to the limited space, we are asking that only essential visitors attend office appointments.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrances of the building and office and we are cleaning all areas hourly at minimum.
- Virtual visits will remain available for patients who are at high risk or otherwise uncomfortable coming into the office.
COVID-19 continues to evolve and change daily. We are working very hard to keep you up to date on the latest changes as they are made available. We thank you for your continued patients and understanding during this difficult time.