COVID-19 and Elective Surgery
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all of us in a way that we never thought was imaginable. As we hope to turn the corner on this very difficult time, we wanted to give everyone an update on what we are doing here at Gordon Plastic Surgery to continue to safely provide care to our patients.
We continue to offer virtual consultations or follow up appointments that are very easy to access. For in-office appointments, we are employing a virtual waiting room of sorts. Upon arrival in your car, you can let us know that you are here via smartphone and then will receive an alert to proceed into the office where you will be taken directly to a private room. The rooms are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after every patient. You will have a temperature check upon arrival and everyone must wear a mask, just like every staff member here.
For surgeries, if something can be done under local in our procedure room you will be given that option. Otherwise surgeries will be performed at Methodist The Woodlands Hospital where safety of the patient is the number one priority. A Covid-19 test will be administered just prior to surgery and the hospital has strict guidelines for all employees to follow to ensure you receive the best and safest care. The vast majority of patients will be able to go home following there procedure and recover at home without staying in the hospital.
With the most updated executive order from Governor Abbott, we are still able to offer elective surgery procedures as the hospital has enough capacity to help treat Covid-19 patients. These patients are isolated from the rest of the hospital patients and strict safety measures are in place to keep everyone safe in the hospital.
We hope that you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe during this unprecedented time. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our office with any questions or concerns. We are hopeful better days will be in our near future.
Gordon Plastic Surgery Team